21 Mart 2024 Perşembe

The Tower (Goodreads)


The Tower: A Chronicle of Climbing and Controversy on Cerro TorreThe Tower: A Chronicle of Climbing and Controversy on Cerro Torre by Kelly Cordes

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The most explosive mountaineering controversery of the last decade"

A comprehensive, evidence based book with an engaging language by a high skilled climber and editor of American Alpine Journal (Kelly Cordes ) for climbers. The book begins with the story of the first attempts to Cerro Torre one of the most difficult peaks in the world, and evolves into a piece of investigative journalism into a world of lonely victories, public deceit, extraordinarily challenges, and tragic deaths. Most of the iconic figures of the alpinism history; Cesare Meastri, Walter Bonatti, Carlo Mauri, Toni Egger, Cesarino Fava, Reinhold Messner Casimiro Ferrari, Ermanno Salvaterra, Rolando Garibotti, Silvo Karo and new generation alpinists Hayden Kennedy, Colin Haley, Jason Kruk, Kelly Cordes, David Lama's memories contribute the climbing history of this great tower throughout the book.

"As Cordes points out in the book, as well as in talks, how you value truth in "pointless" pursuits such as who climbed which peak first, says a lot about how you view truth overall."

The book points out "truth" matters in our climbs as well as all things in our daily lifes. I hope one day we can see this highly recommended book in Turkish.

View all my reviews

21 Mart 2024

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